In what many perceive as a commodity based industry, we have developed smart, cost-effective, need-driven solutions that provide our customers with exceptional value.
All bags are Made in Canada for over 20 years
Eco II is a leader in the use of recycled resin for garbage bags in Canada
Bags are made from 100% Recycled Resin which is one of the most environmentally friendly garbage bags made
EcoLogo Certified
Source the best possible recycled resin for highest quality garbage bags
Various Product Lines include Industrial; Construction;
Oxo Biodegradable; Compostable; High Density; and Food Approved
We have 1 standard carton for uniformity and easy to use, which helps reduce Shipping and Handling Costs
Highly Reputable National Brand
Private Label Program
Reliable Delivery
Ship Nationally
Contact Information
(416) 292-0220 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.